Corporate Worship
At SGF we try our best to center our worship around communion with Christ. The Spirit of God speaks through the Word of God and is exalted by the praises of the people of God. So, we strive to format our worship services around His Word. We read Scripture out loud, sing songs that are about God and are rich with meaning, and preach through books of the Bible. At the end of each service, we take communion together. If you are a believer of like faith and practice, we invite you to join in.
At SGF you will hear expository preaching. This means that we typically preach through books of the Bible verse by verse, line by line, and precept upon precept. On the rare occasion we cover a topic, we strive to preach through a passage of Scripture that addresses that topic.
Our music is simple but full. Our worshipers strive for authenticity. We believe that too much can distract from true worship, so we offer a very simplified worship service with a few instruments and great songs.
We also enjoy the fellowship of the saints. In an effort to connect with each other, we usually eat lunch together after the service. We strive to make our conversations meaningful and deep while we share a pot-luck agape meal.
We recognize that we can’t convey every detail that occurs on Sunday mornings at our church, but we hope this gives you a helpful summary of what you can expect on any given Sunday at SGF.
What time and where?
Right now we meet on Sunday mornings at 10:30 at The Brazoria Civic Center in Brazoria TX.
N 209 Nevada St.
We have a pot-luck lunch immediately following service. All are welcome to join us!
What is the worship style?
Simple and reverent. We strive to center our services around communion with Christ in a relaxed but reverent manner.
What is the teaching like?
Expository. We study through books of the Bible on Sunday morning, word by word, line by line, precept by precept.
What should I wear?
The environment is casual, wear what is good for you to worship the Creator of all things. Some people wear slacks and dress shirts, some people wear tee shirts and jeans.
Can I bring coffee/Drinks into worship?
Feel free to bring coffee or sodas with you to worship. Sometimes our pastors even have coffee or hot tea while they teach.
What do I do with my children?
We try to keep our children in the service through the music portion of the service. During the sermon and communion, we offer a nursery for children 0-3 years old. At 4 years old we ask that you bring your children to the full worship service. We have children of our own and understand what it is like to manage children in the service. We’ll do our best as a community to help with all children.